30.12.202230.12.2022 Skiing no longer guaranteed – even with snow guns For many people in Switzerland, holidays in the snow are as much a part of the [...]
30.12.202229.12.2022 Fishing in the wake of the Oder River disaster shows no sign of recovery Very few fish and still elevated salinity levels IGB has been fishing the Oder at least [...]
27.12.202227.12.2022 Humans and nature: The distance is growing Meta-analysis of scientific literature shows decline of interactions with nature due to growing urbanisation, but systematic [...]
19.12.202219.12.2022 DINA study shows loss of insect diversity in nature reserves due to surrounding farmland Insect decline is also progressing in German nature reserves. One reason for this is the intensification [...]
13.12.202212.12.2022 Europe’s forests increasingly under pressure from climate-driven disturbances European forests are being increasingly affected by natural disturbances, a new ground-based observation study shows. An [...]
08.12.202207.12.2022 Green Deal: EU agrees law to fight global deforestation and forest degradation driven by EU production and consumption. The Commission welcomes the provisional political agreement [...]
02.12.202201.12.2022 Aquaculture is not the solution to overfishing Study shows that aquaculture production of fish has already passed its peak The growth rates for [...]
28.11.202225.11.2022 Premature deaths due to air pollution continue to fall in the EU More efforts needed to deliver a toxic-free environment Europe’s air quality keeps improving and the number [...]
27.11.202223.11.2022 Biotechnology to reduce methane emissions from cattle Methane emissions could be substantially cut through a $7.5-million project to develop slow-release biopolymer technology for [...]
24.11.202224.11.2022 Chemicals could undercut global plastics treaty Plastic pollution: Scientists raise red flag Next week the UN intergovernmental negotiating committee (INC) on plastic [...]
16.11.202216.11.2022 Uncovering Nature’s Role in Climate Action We can’t halt climate change if we refuse to rapidly decarbonise the global economy and simply [...]
09.11.202208.11.2022 Eight warmest years on record witness upsurge in climate change impacts Sea level rise accelerates, European glacier melt shatters records, extreme weather causes devastation Sharm-El-Sheikh, Egypt 6 [...]
28.10.202228.10.2022 Ecosystems more sensitive to nitrogen pollution than previously assumed – Study Ecosystems such as forests, heaths and surface waters are more sensitive to atmospheric nitrogen pollution than [...]
27.10.202225.10.2022 Flower power against climate change First studies on the enrichment of humus by flower strips Flower strips adjacent to croplands not [...]
22.10.202221.10.2022 Lakes worldwide are becoming greener, but large lakes bluer Whether a lake appears blue or green is also related to its chlorophyll-a content. Researchers led [...]
21.10.202220.10.2022 Defying expectations, CO2 emissions from global fossil fuel combustion are set to grow in 2022 by only a fraction of last year’s big increase Thanks to record deployment of renewables and EVs, the CO2 intensity of the world’s energy supply [...]